Time flies. It is the middle of the year/midsummer again (if you are in the northern hemisphere as well), and it is one month away from Libernesia's National Day, which will be celebrating two years of Libernesia!
One day, I was looking at the Freedom Light Map dotted with torches. I also saw some of the torches often appear from time to time. Then, I came up with a good idea to celebrate the second anniversary of Libernesia this year - I am accepting a challenge for myself: Beginning the month before National Day and ending the month afterward, that is, during the entire two-month period from June 20th to August 20th, I will do my best to keep my freedom's torch lit without interruption, probably like the North Star constantly appearing at a specific position in the sky.
I think this action has quite a rich meaning behind it, and I have begun to put it into practice today. This is just a decision for myself, and I'm writing this intending to share, but feel free to join in at any time if you would like. I will be there.